Here are 6 keys to understanding ISIS’ barbarism, Apocalyptic vision and...
Image: Raw Story The latest terrorist attacks by ISIS have changed the 2016 presidential race, sparking a range of predictable reactions across the partisan spectrum, from “Fortress America” stances...
View Article‘His Name Is Darsh Singh’: Pushback Against ‘Joke’ Goes Viral
At a time when politicians and leaders are urging people not to discriminateagainst Muslim Americans, or those who could be mistaken for Muslim Americans, one social media post has struck a chord. “Let...
View ArticleIowa Voters In Correctionville Think The U.S. Needs Correcting
Image: Des Moines Register The Iowa caucuses are 3 days away. Some voters in the rural and largely conservative part of western Iowa are struggling between the pull of their choice candidate and who...
View ArticleAmerican Muslims: Yes, We Feel Targeted By Cruz Surveillance Comments
Image: Think Progress Some American Muslims feel they are once again on the defensive following presidential candidate Ted Cruz’s suggestion that Muslim-dominated neighborhoods should be subject to...
View ArticleWhite supremacist is charged with TERRORISM after coming to New York to ‘stab...
James Harris Jackson is accused of killing Timothy Caughman, 66, last week The New York District attorney announced the charges against him on Monday The 28-year-old former veteran is charged with:...
View ArticleFight Terrorism Or Control Resources: What’s the Real Reason for U.S.’s...
Although the Trump administration has not expressed much of an interest in Africa, the U.S. has an increased presence in the continent. As China has ramped up its economic presence and enlarged its...
View ArticleWhy the London Terror Attack Occurred Now
One has to ask why terrorists like those who struck last night in London, and earlier in Manchester, launched their attacks now. It is difficult not to infer that their violence was timed to influence...
View Article10 Things Everyone Must Know About Terrorism
(TFC) Terrorism is a complex subject, but the key elements can be distilled and presented in an internet-friendly format. Welcome to the definitive listicle on terrorism. This is the bare bones, so...
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